The Seven Benefits You Get When You Hire a Technology Trusted Advisor


    • Access to a broader range of technology solutions: Trusted Advisors have access to a wide range of technology solutions from different vendors, which can help companies find the right fit for their needs.
    • Expertise and knowledge: Technology advisors have the expertise, knowledge, and contacts in various technologies, which can help companies eliminate the risk of choosing the wrong vendor.  
    • Cost savings: Technology advisors have preferred relationships with vendors and can negotiate more favorable pricing for their clients. This can help companies save money on the solutions they purchase.
    • Time savings: Working with a trusted advisor can save companies time and resources by outsourcing research, evaluating different solutions, and providing dedicated project management and after-the-sale escalation support.  
    • Low risk, minimum cost, and no obligations: Since vendors compensate technology advisors for successful projects, there is a minimal upfront cost of their services and no obligation to accept any vendor or technology recommendations.
    • Unbiased: Because they don’t work for the vendors, they don’t have sales quotas, which allows them to take a 100% unbiased approach to vendor selection—the quality of the vendor implementation ultimately judges.
    • Focused on YOUR business outcomes and results:  A consultative approach focuses on getting those they serve what they want, not making quota, getting a contract signed at the end of the quarter, or answering questions about what keeps them up at night. 

A trusted advisor can help companies eliminate risk by finding the best solutions for their needs, saving time and resources, and helping save money on the technologies they purchase. 

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